
Relaxation massage

Relaxation massage, also known as massage de relaxation, is a genuine source of relaxation, which can be both stimulating and relaxing. It has a soothing effect on muscular tissue and relaxes the central nervous system, with positive effects on stress management and energy balance.

Relaxation massage brings both physical and mental well-being to your body. It is an effective alternative for eliminating depression and stress by providing the patient with relaxation.

The technique of relaxation massage combines firmness and gentleness, with the aim of dissolving tension and firming muscles and joints. With its invigorating and relaxing effect, this type of massage promotes your body's blood and lymph circulation. It eliminates toxins from the body, regulates arterial tension and soothes disorders linked to cardiovascular disease.

Relaxation massage is a parallel technique to therapeutic massage, offering the patient a real moment of relaxation. To enable the body to experience these sensations, relaxation massage acts on everything that makes up the human being, helping your body to regain its natural balance. It eliminates the toxins that cause depression, stress and nervousness. In some cases, it can also optimize intellectual capacity and put an end to insomnia. All these actions have an immediate impact on the brain, as the removal of toxins optimizes oxygenation.


lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a gentle, painless therapeutic massage technique designed to stimulate the circulation of lymph, a colorless liquid circulating in the lymphatic vessels, by draining toxins and cellular debris.

Using slow, gentle, wave-like movements, performed by our certified massage therapists along scientifically proven and studied paths, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) promotes the opening and closing of lymphatic capillaries. This pumping action boosts lymph circulation, helping the body to rid itself of toxins and promote cell renewal.

It's a relaxing, gentle massage with positive effects on the immune system in a wide range of fields, including improving blood circulation, reducing water retention, promoting cellulite treatment, accelerating wound healing and facilitating healing.

Like all good massages, it helps reduce stress, anxiety and nervousness. After a session, many customers report a feeling of well-being and lightness, promoting relaxation and sleep - an effective remedy for insomnia.

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